Contract Audit

Definition of a Smart Contract Audit

The foremost aspect of understanding the smart contract auditing process is its definition. The audit process for a smart contract focuses on scrutiny of the code used for underwriting the terms and conditions in the smart contract. With the help of such an audit, smart contract developers could easily identify the vulnerabilities and bugs before the deployment of smart contracts. 
DigScan carries out smart contract audits to ensure a thorough review of the code.
It is quite important to test the code thoroughly before deploying the smart contract. Why? Once you write the smart contract to the blockchain, it is impossible to change the code. Deploying smart contracts without proper audits could result in untoward circumstances such as discrepancies in the desired performance of the contract. At the same time, inadequate audit processes could also land you up with risks such as loss of personal data or data theft. 

Importance of Smart Contract Audits

After finding the answer to ‘what is a smart contract audit?’ it is reasonable to look for its significance. Security is one of the formidable concerns for smart contract implementation in present times. The concerns of inefficiency, security issues, and misbehaviour could lead to extremely high additional costs in implementing smart contracts on a blockchain network.
Enterprises are troubled regarding smart contract implementation, considering its irreversible nature. Furthermore, you also have the risk of losing the whole contract and associated assets due to security vulnerabilities in smart contracts. Therefore, the smart contract audit becomes an important requirement in present times for the following reasons.
  • Better optimization of the code
  • Improved performance of smart contracts
  • Enhanced security of wallets
  • Security against hacking attacks
So, you can clearly notice that smart contract audits can be quite helpful for, 
  • Decentralized apps product owners
  • Individuals who have to gain the trust of investors, stakeholders, contributors, and more
  • Creators and organizers of ICO startups
  • Smart contract developers
With so many critical advantages for smart contract security, it is important to find out how to audit a smart contract immediately. The skills of DigScan for auditing smart contracts could help enterprises stay safe from notable security attacks like,
  • Reentrancy attack
  • Reordering attack
  • Short address attack
  • Over and underflows
  • Replay attack

What DigScan Audits

Working of Smart Contract Audits

While you can discover various possible approaches for smart contract auditing across different tools, it is important to know how the audit works. Auditing smart contracts involve an in-depth evaluation of the smart contracts of blockchain applications. The audit focuses on rectifying design issues, security vulnerabilities, and code errors. Professional, smart contract auditors would generally offer you a detailed roadmap for audits to help you understand the process better. Here are some of the best practices you can find in the ideal workflow for smart contract audits. 
  •  Agreement on Specification
  • Testing Process
  • Automated Analysis 
  • Manual Analysis
  • Audit Report

How much does a smart contract audit cost?

The exact cost of an audit depends on the number of smart contracts to be checked. Typically, an audit will run into thousands of dollars. The audit company like – CertiK,ConsenSysDiligence can easily cost over $10,000.
But DigScan Cost you $1299* only.