
Identify risks and opportunities

The best way to deal with security issues is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. To achieve this goal, DigScan—the popular Security management standard—asks you to identify potential risks to your business and control them in a structured way. This risk-based thinking leads to fewer surprises, improved planning, more effective decision-making and better relationships with suppliers, customers and employees.

Secure your Information

As technology changes, it becomes increasingly challenging for businesses of all types to keep their personal and customer’s information on the web secure.
Web security is important to keeping hackers and cyber-thieves from accessing sensitive information.  Without a proactive security strategy, businesses risk the spread and escalation of malware, attacks on other websites, networks, and other IT infrastructures. If a hacker is successful, attacks can spread from computer to computer, making it difficult to find the origin.
DigScan Provides services like regular scan your systems/server/ applications to prevent any attack.

Prevent Problems from Reoccurring

Too often businesses repeat the same mistakes because they don’t have a system to record and correct problems as they occur. DigScan to maintain careful records of problems, seek out their root causes, and come up with lasting solutions. The result is less waste, better quality, and lower costs.
“There’s so much waste that comes from the network and defective products and services that could be prevented,”

Boost your Marketing and Sales Efforts

The reality is that, because of a hacked website/Application, a customer loses trust, and therefore it will lead to company reputation loss, which for e-commerce can often mean an end of the business.
Just think of how many times you’ve seen companies promote their DigScan certification in advertising, on their website and even on a banner outside their building. As an internationally recognized Security Management System, achieving DigScan Certification will support your marketing and help increase your sales. Indeed, many large companies require their clients to be DigScan certified. And certification can be particularly important if you want to enter foreign markets.

Improve your Control over the Business

DigScan requires you monitor, measure, analyze and evaluate the vulnerabilities of your system and application or server. By doing so, you will generate performance metrics that allow you to judge how well you’re doing and where you need to improve. These are powerful tools for gaining insight into your online business and making better decisions.
“As an entrepreneur, it helps you to get the full picture of security that prevents hacking the essential data of your company or clients.”
Besides creating a stronger, more efficient, and secured company today, DigScan can also make your business more attractive to buyers when it comes time for you to sell.